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About me

A tired, ill girl defying M.E., by having a blog. I'm Liz, a Jenna Coleman aficionado. I was born and bred in the Lake District in the UK, a girl with good brows and synesthesia but confined to half a life, trying to deal with M.E/Chronic Fatigue. I work around feeling very ill every day with intense fatigue. I learn through blogging, Buddhism, always wearing my camera, snapping wherever I go and forever jotting things down. I save pockets of energy to commune with nature and dresses. I'm inspired by nature, ghosts, Grimm's fairytales, the Pre Raphaelites and romanticism. I love marshmallow fluff, creating beautiful spaces, 19th century flair, shabby chic vibes and basically anything pink, cute or romantic. I harbor a childlike fascination as to how people did things a hundred years ago

A Little House in The Lakes
At age 19 I grabbed life with both hands and made the craziest decision, to have a baby. Come May 2015, we welcomed little baby Oscar in to the world, two weeks early! The experience was so surreal and fascinating, there is nothing more heartwarming than playing with this little sugarplum and enjoying his company - knowing I have a son and getting to know him more and more every day! In February 2015, we moved in to our tiny rose garden flat. I developed M.E/CFS months after the birth in July 2015. In August 2017, we bought our first home, with woods, fields and a beck outside.

 '"Ice Cream" whispers Clara' -
Is a vintage flair loving lifestyle blog, rebooted in July 2015 after the birth of our first child. It is a place for everything vintage chic and pretty, with beauty reviews, pretty dresses, what I've been getting up to and our Oscar adventures. The funny name is inspired by my love of Helen Dunmore's short story 'Ice Cream' and her writing as a whole. Fancy collaborating, enquiring, button swap or saying hi?

Contact me at Thanks for visiting!

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